Another recipe! This one’s inspired by a delicious mushroom soup from Bettys in Harrogate, this is a fairly quick and easy soup which goes great with crusty bread. It has a savoury aniseed taste from the tarragon, balanced by the rich creamy cheese.
Also, to practice my German, I’ve included what I hope is a translation of the recipe, the format and vocabulary loosely based on the structure used on the site If it could be improved, please comment!
Mushroom, tarragon and goat’s cheese soup (Pilz-Estragon-Ziegenkäse-Suppe)
Serves 2-4 (Für 2-4 Portionen)
- 4 shallots or small onions, chopped (4 Schalotten oder kleine Zwiebeln, gehackte)
- 250 g chestnut mushrooms, chopped (250 g gehackte braune Pilze)
- 250 g white mushrooms, chopped (250 g gehackte weiße Pilze)
- 300 g soft goat’s cheese (300 g Frischkäse aus Ziegenmilch)
- 2 or 3 sprigs of tarragon, finely chopped (2 oder 3 feingehackte Estragon-Zweige)
- 1 litre of chicken or vegetable stock (1 Liter Huhnerbrühe oder Gemüsebrühe)
- 1 tablespoon of butter (1 EL Butter)
Melt the butter in a large pan, add the mushrooms and shallots and fry for 5 minutes. (Die Butter in einem großen Topf schmelzen, die Pilze und die Schalotten hinzugeben und 5 Minuten braten.)
Add the stock and simmer for about half an hour. (Die Brühe dazugeben, und 30 Minuten leicht köcheln lassen.)
Add the goat’s cheese and tarragon, mix well, and blend with a hand mixer. (Den Frischkäse und den Estragon geben und gut unterrühren, und mit dem Stabmixer pürieren)
Enjoy! (Guten Appetit!)