So apparently all the recipes I post are for soups? Well, whatever, soups are delicious and this is the perfect time of the year for them (incidentally, our max/min thermometer claims it’s been down as low as -16°C at night and it’s not been above freezing for a fortnight. Yay Frankfurt).
This is cream of pepper soup – delicious, spicy, adaptable and easy to make. In other words, pretty much the perfect soup.
Cream of Pepper soup (Paprikasuppe)
Serves 2-3 (Für 2-3 Portionen)
- 2 to 4 peppers. Any colours in any combination works – I’ve tried the soup with red peppers, orange peppers and green peppers, and they’re all great. (2 bis 4 Paprikaschoten, alle Farben)
- 1.3 litre of chicken or vegetable stock (1.3 l Hühner- oder Gemüsebrühe)
- 1 medium onion, chopped (1 mittelgroße Zwiebel, gehackte)
- 150 ml single cream (150 ml 30% Sahne)
- 2 teaspoons black pepper (2 TL schwarze Pfeffer)
- Paprika or cayenne pepper (Paprika oder Cayennepfeffer)
- 1 tablespoon of butter (1 EL Butter)
Melt the butter in a large pan, add the onions and soften for 5 minutes. (Die Butter in einem großen Topf schmelzen, die Zwiebel hinzugeben und 5 Minuten erweichen.)
Chop and deseed the peppers. (Die Paprikaschoten hacken und entkernen.) Some recipes suggest peeling the peppers, but if you have a blender then this is a load of faff with no real point. Add the pot and fry for a couple of minutes. (Die Paprikaschoten in den Topf fügen, und 2 Minuten braten).
Add the stock and black pepper and simmer for about half an hour. (Die Brühe und den schwarzen Pfeffer dazugeben, und 30 Minuten leicht köcheln lassen.)
Add the half the cream and blend with a hand mixer. (Der Hälfte der Sahne geben und mit dem Stabmixer pürieren) Garnish with the rest of the cream and the paprika or cayenne pepper. (Mit dem Rest der Sahne und Paprika oder Cayennepfeffer garnieren.)